Current information about the Hünenweg
Diversion in Meppen
There is a diversion in the city centre of Meppen due to the renewal of the Hasebrink bridge. You can find the diversions under the following link:

Diversion Friesche Veen
Due to a dyke renewal project, there is a detour in the Friesche Veen nature reserve close to Haren. The detour is accessible via the following link:

Diversion Midlaren/Zuidlaren
Due to the creation of a large dynamic floodplain within/around the polder, between Zuidlaren and Midlaren, there is a temporary change to the Hünenwegn. The detour is accessible via the following link:

Herd protection on the Huenenweg
In some areas of the Hünenweg, flocks of sheep are used for landscape maintenance. To protect them from attacks, the use of livestock guarding dogs is becoming increasingly widespread. Please observe the following advice:
- Do not harass the guard dogs.
- Walk briskly past the herd and keep your distance. Do not enter the pasture.
- Keep your pets on a leash.

Hier an der Umfrage zum Wandermonitor teilnehmen:
Hike without borders between the two TERRA.Vita and De Hondsrug UNESCO Global Geoparks
Discover 5,500 years of cultural history along the approximately 325-km-long hiking trail between Osnabrück and Groningen and experience the beauty of the landscapes typical to the northwest which formed in the Ice Age and have since matured to achieve its present beauty.
The megalithic graves, Stone-Age structures along the Hünnenweg, serve as fascinating testimonies of days past and are among the special geographical features of the TERR.vita UNESCO Global Geopark on the German side and the De Hondsrug UNESCO Global Geopark on the Dutch side.
On your hike through the varied natural landscape and the regions' legends, a signet with a small blue ""h"" will show you the way across 20 day stages.
Stone Age "Graves of Giants"
A Hünengrab, also known as a megalithic grave or Hünenhügel, is a megalithic burial site. Most megalithic grave in Northern Germany were created in the late Neolithic period. The popular term "Hünengrab", which is common in northern Germany, is derived from "Hüne", which can be traced back to the Middle High German "hûne", meaning "giant".

Der Hünenweg auf einen Blick
Hiking type:
Ideal for hikers who love solitude and who don't shy away from longer hiking stages.
The Hünenweg is well marked throughout and also features distance information in Germany. The markings are presented with blue letters on a yellow background (German: "Hünenweg", Netherlands: "Hünenweg-Hondsrugpad"). The final section between Haren and Groningen is marked more discreetly with blue letters on a white background.
Route condition
The terrain ranges from gentle hills to flat with few inclines.
Order the 2nd edition of the Hünenweg hiking guide from Conrad Stein Verlag. On 127 pages you will find detailed information about your hike from Osnabrück to Groningen.
Package offer for the Hünenweg
Discover fascinating natural and cultural landscapes.
Along monumental graves and devil's stones
Historical sites, old oak forests, river floodplains, moors and, of course, the eponymous imposing megalithic graves: the Hünenweg in Osnabrück Land has heaps of variety to offer. Since 2021, it has been possible to experience even more relaxed and enjoyable hiking on the route from Osnabrück to Groningen owing to the fact that the route has been entirely remarked, renovated and refreshed with additional resting places and information boards here.

Hiking on the edge of the former coast
As a result, the signposts lead hikers precisely to the enormous granite boulders, which our ancestors from the Neolithic period used to build the Hünengräber, as well as to numerous other interesting and astonishing evidence from both the present and distant past. Because even deep glimpses into approximately 150 million-year-old layers of rock are now even easier: the path leads directly through a quarry in Bramsche-Ueffeln.